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Dojo AI & Analytics

Navigate the complexity

Revitalize collaboration and navigate the complexity of staggered schedules, distanced seating charts, and remote work with Dojo’s AI power and advanced analytics. 

Algorithms crunch real collaboration and productivity data to help companies strike the right balance between work-from-home and work-from-office. 

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·   Collaborative network analytics
·   Individual workstyles
·   Influencers & connectors
·   Schedule optimization
·   Office layout & seating optimization

Data-driven insights

Dojo analyzes an organization's digital and physical footprints to understand how things get done: how co-located and distributed teams collaborate, what drives individual productivity, how meeting rooms and shared spaces are utilized, and more.

Get data-driven insights into how people actually work. Who thrives in the office and who is better off working from home?

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“Dojo’s Back to Work tools have enabled us to quickly and safely bring back our workforce, while preparing a strategy for the months to come.”

— Dino Fusco, COO —

Understand relationships

Dojo uses AI to map collaborative relationships and identify natural ‘neighborhoods’: inter-departmental groupings that work together and have shared needs. This enables companies to strategically plan everything from their real estate footprints down to meeting rooms, concentrative spaces, and pantries. 

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Strike the right balance

Each organization is different. Dojo tailors a strategy based on real data, reflecting actual company culture.

Work from Office Work from Home Resiliency Collaboration Sep 2020 Aug 2020 Jun 2020

Have a plan for every scenario

Dojo Return to Office

A one-stop-shop platform for companies wanting to re-open the office safely and efficiently. 


Dojo Workplace Transformation

Rethink the future of your workplace. AI improves performance and helps you make the most of every square foot.

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